Welcome to Kira's Blog

Welcome to My Blog

Life with young children can be challenging, but with the support and advice of friends, we can feel empowered and thankful for the blessing of being a Mom.

My musings are those of a self-proclaimed attachment-parenting Tiger mom, who juggles full-time mommying with a small (but growing!) baby-related business. I hope some of my thoughts help you
Enjoy your day, Enjoy your night, and Enjoy your kids!!!

Friday, March 7, 2014


Possibly the biggest problem facing modern families is that of raising our children with a sense of entitlement. Our children have well-beyond what they need and, by the time they enter the work force, have little sense of solid work-ethic and drive to excel. They have been raised in a world where life is easy and if you don't get exactly what you want, you get something at least pretty close.

Just read the latest court case in New Jersey and you should get a sense of what I mean *see link below*... so she may not go to college? how is that different from millions of people (especially women!) who cannot or have not gone to college, because they needed to (gasp!) work for a living to (gasp!) support the family?!

CNN article here! http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/05/living/nj-teen-sues-parents-for-college-education/

The problem is sinister in its subtlety - it starts with doting on your infant in a natural and healthy, caring way, but then evolves through taking care of your toddler's needs, to making sure you "make time for your kid's homework" and then protecting your teenager from any distractions (read: volunteer work, employment, or even household chores) from her academic pursuits or extracurricular activities. By the time such a child hits the job market after college, he has: a) never held a job, b) never had a boss, c) never considered those who have less than perfect lives and d) never considered he may fail in anything in life. He has been coddled and comforted to the point of absurdity. He has been stamped with entitlement.

What is there to do about this problem? Here are a few pointers to keep your children fresh with understanding life doesn't come on a silver platter:

1. Make sure they fail - Allow your children to be less-than-perfect. Embrace their weaknesses - don't cover them up or over-protect them from feeling the "burn" of failure. Let them sometimes lose. And cry. And then provide the band-aids as they learn to wipe themselves off and move on.

2. Make sure they work - From chores to public service, children need to move and work. They need to learn about achievement beyond their classrooms. They need to know that practice-makes-perfect and what it means to be satisfied by a job well done.

3. Make sure they unplug - With increasing technological advancement, children are receiving "devices" at younger and younger ages, which translates into a micro-world revolving around them. The more they are plugged in, the less they are attuned to the world at large. Get offline, focus on interacting with the real world around them.

4. Make sure they meet others - One of the most valuable life-lessons for a child is meeting someone who has life-challenges that they hadn't considered. Volunteer with the needy or take your child to visit someone with a chronic illness. Donating goods doesn't cut it - while there's value in the idea of the donation, the face-to-face meeting is what will speak to your child's heart and make the difference in his world.

Many theorists believe this Generation of Entitlement is what could lead to the downfall of America as a world leader. Help spread this blog post and make a difference!

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