I haven't read the book (I plan to soon), but I've skimmed a few articles about it.
The best take-away lesson I've found is from the "Psychology Today" website, an article by Nancy Darling. Here's what she concludes:
"Decades of research in the US and elsewhere has shown:
- Stict, authoritarian parents have kids who excel in school, don't get in trouble, and are depressed
- Permissive parents have kids who feel good about their bad grades, will smoke a joint but probably won't use heroin. In other words, they have moderate self-esteem, lots of friends, poor performance, get in trouble, but not too much.
- Authoritative parents who are strict, but communicate love, have kids who tend to do well, have good friends, stay out of trouble, and feel good about themselves
- Abusive, coercive, and intrusive parenting is terrible for kids."
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