Welcome to Kira's Blog

Welcome to My Blog

Life with young children can be challenging, but with the support and advice of friends, we can feel empowered and thankful for the blessing of being a Mom.

My musings are those of a self-proclaimed attachment-parenting Tiger mom, who juggles full-time mommying with a small (but growing!) baby-related business. I hope some of my thoughts help you
Enjoy your day, Enjoy your night, and Enjoy your kids!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Shopping with an infant

When going out for the first time(s) after having a baby, there are a few things to consider before stepping beyond your front door.

And no, it's not just about remembering to bring the infant WITH you. (Or hiring the babysitter).

Going out with your baby poses new and rare challenges. Especially to new, inexperienced mothers.

The first issue is food. If you are bottle-feeding your baby, you MUST BRING formula with you! It's best to have enough for many HOURS, just in case of emergency. Don't forget that this baby has a tiny tummy, and he can't "just hold off" like you can. It's wise to bring a diaper bag with ice packs, if it's sunny and warm out. If you are adding water on-the-go, there may not be a convenient spot to warm up the formula, so you may be better off bringing ready-made bottles.

If you are breastfeeding, then you MUST BRING food/drink with you! It's very easy to get dehydrated, especially with spring/summer babies. If you don't have food or drink in the house (hey, it happens!) then bring cash. You also will need to consider where you will breastfeed. In the car? In the bathroom? On a park bench? All are options that moms have chosen, and each has her own level of comfort. I, for one, never breastfeed in a bathroom. I make a point not to feed my child where I wouldn't want to eat myself. On the other hand, I am quite comfortable nursing in public areas, and I own 2 nursing shawls in case I feel particularly exposed.

On the other hand/side, pun-intended: be prepared for poop. Your baby may suddenly produce an explosion and you would be wise to bring an entire extra wardrobe with you - from top to bottom. Plan for more than one extra diaper and plenty of wipes.

I have found that there are certain stores that are more welcoming than others. Grocery stores are MOST difficult with a newborn, as there is nothing else but aisles and checkout - no place to sit and feed, change, etc. Ironic, since that's the place you need to visit most frequently. Most shopping malls have public bathrooms that aren't so friendly, but some have family bathrooms that can accommodate nicely. Almost all anchor stores (Macy's, Nordstrom's, etc.) have nice lounges that can be quite comfortable to tend to your baby's needs. But the best place to go is to a BABY store. They have cozy chairs you can rock on, some have nursing rooms, and most have extra supplies for free if you're in a pinch while you're shopping. Best of all, there are plenty of moms in similar shape (or pregnant and fascinated by your charming little gal) with whom you can share stories and possibly make new friends and your first play-dates.

From my experience, the best place to go on your first outing is to BabiesRUs or, better yet, to Buy Buy Baby. Fantastic places with all the bells & whistles, so that you can come back home with a can-do attitude ("Wow, look! We made it back in one piece!") so that you can feel ready to tackle grocery stores by month #2.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Heading to a baby store for the first outing is a great idea. When my girls were infants, a cashier at Buy Buy Baby looked at them lying there in their tandem stroller and said, "They're so good and calm. And you know why? Because YOU are calm." God bless her. I spent a lot of time at Buy Buy Baby in my first months as a parent.
