Welcome to Kira's Blog

Welcome to My Blog

Life with young children can be challenging, but with the support and advice of friends, we can feel empowered and thankful for the blessing of being a Mom.

My musings are those of a self-proclaimed attachment-parenting Tiger mom, who juggles full-time mommying with a small (but growing!) baby-related business. I hope some of my thoughts help you
Enjoy your day, Enjoy your night, and Enjoy your kids!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This blog is from a friend with fantastic advice for all of us, on the wonders of visiting a chiropractor:

"Our baby was colicky and had reflux, and after working on him for a couple of weeks, his reflux was gone and he became much more laid back, slept better, etc. She's helping me with my lower back and pelvis (trying to keep the baby making machine in tip top shape), and helping keep the kids and my husband healthy. My 2 year old has had a runny nose from the day he was born, and he has actually gone for 4 weeks straight with no constant nose wiping. I wish I had tried this earlier (especially with my older kids who were both colicky), and I'm just trying to spread the information to friends, especially moms."

Thanks for the tip!!! Anybody else with ideas/advice, please send me a comment and I'll be happy to post either as a comment/reply or as an upcoming blog!

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